Funds That We Utilize In Our Portfolios
The funds below are just a few of the many investment options that Patriot Wealth uses to construct it's portfolios and strategies for our clients.
The American Conservative Values ETF (ACVF) is based on the conviction that politically active companies negatively impact their shareholder returns, as well as support issues and causes which conflict with our conservative political ideals, beliefs and values.
Biblically Responsible Funds
Inspire is the world's largest faith-based ETF provider, managing over $1.7 billion in faith-based ETF assets (as of 9/30/2024)
Investing with Purpose
Sovereign’s Capital was founded with a vision to transform faith-driven investing beyond negative screening. We invest in companies with faith-driven CEOs who have exceptional corporate cultures that seek outperformance and enable their employees to flourish.
Discover how Patriot Wealth can enhance your portfolio. Schedule a Zoom call with Jon for a free report on your investment strategy.